The PPWordI input, was CUTCOM/LEFT, # (where #is the D register number, 5 in my case,correspondingtothe offset D registerfor tool 5 -T5).The PPWordisinvokedafter an axial move to a plane where the elongated profile countour will be cut with a linear move directly after.CUTCOM/OFFthe same way. Using CATIA, inmy approachmacro, I've added the PPWord(s) to turn on cutter comp left. I've createda simple program to cut an elongated hole. Listed below are a few questions I could use some help with. I've looked through aboutfive of the Siemens programming manuals but I'm still unclear as to what the controller is doing in the background.
Hello, I am pretty new to the 840D controller and I'm trying to figure out how to get cutter compensation working.